“Boy in the bubble” runs aground

Beachgoers in Florida got a shock at the weekend as they witnessed a man wash ashore inside a hybrid bubble-running wheel device.

The man, now identified as Reza Baluchi, washed ashore in Flagler county on the east coast of Florida on Saturday.

Baluchi was inside a large barrel-type device which appeared to have flotation buoys attached to each end. The Flagler county sheriff’s office posted photos of the unusual contraption on its Facebook page.

“The occupant advised he left the St Augustine area yesterday to head to New York,” the sheriff’s office said, “but came across some complications that brought him back to shore”.

“The US coast guard was contacted and arrived on scene to take over the case and ensure the vessel/occupant are USCG compliant for their safety moving forward.”

Baluchi’s precise plans for his bubble run remained unclear even after his mission misfired.

Some media outlets claimed that he was heading for Bermuda while others said he hoped to get all the way up to New York City.

Fox 35 Orlando said that Baluchi was contemplating either the northern US or Bermuda as his end destination.

In any event, Baluchi ended up 30 miles south of his St Augustine start point.

“My goal is to not only raise money for homeless people, raise money for the coast guard, raise money for the police department, raise money for the fire department,” he told the Fox35. “They are in public service, they do it for safety and they help other people.”

Other local media reported that Baluchi was forced to turn back after he discovered that some of his safety and navigation equipment had been stolen. The equipment has been recovered, and Baluchi plans to resume his journey once the weather improves, he was quoted as saying.

A video on Baluchi’s YouTube channel, posted in September 2020, outlined a plan to travel to Bermuda in the bubble vessel. It was unclear if that voyage took place.

Baluchi planned to survive “on protein bars, tuna, sea water purified through a filter, Gatorade and chewing gum for sea sickness”, his website said.

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