NJ landlord accused of sexually harassing tenants to pay $4.5M
Joseph Centanni agrees record payout to settle lawsuit alleging he demanded sexual favors from low-income renters.
Joseph Centanni agrees record payout to settle lawsuit alleging he demanded sexual favors from low-income renters.
Christopher Trogan was reportedly dismissed despite nine-page apology explaining “innocent mistake.”
Peter Ikonomou is charged with stabbing Mindy Singer to death at their Queens apartment.
Homeowner wanted to purge property of reptilian infestation but ended up causing $1 million in damage.
Shootout in Vermont is believed to have arisen over a disagreement about hunting.
NJ couple find beloved pup after 3-day search that caused them to call off trip to Tahiti.
New Jersey’s Gregory Kelemen killed himself a few hours after the shocking attack.
Philadelphia mom to be Jessica Covington was gunned down in an apparent targeted hit while unloading gifts from her car.
Andrew Bradshaw, elected head of the city of Cambridge, is accused of posting nude photos of an ex-girlfriend to Reddit without her consent.
Michelle Taliaferro whose finance Martinez had killed says kingpin’s death has helped her.
Iris Argueta allegedly pocketed Long Island relative’s winnings after he asked her to cash in ticket so he could remain anonymous.