Compton ambush exposes America’s ugly new tribalism

When a man is caught on video celebrating the attempted murder of a young mother. When others film with their phones and laugh as the same mom chokes on blood, clinging to life for the sake of her young daughter. When “protesters” gather at a hospital to will the death of the attempted murder victims and try to block emergency vehicles while doing so.

When all these things happen, America is indeed sick.

The harrowing events in Compton have shown the terrible damage that divisive propaganda is doing to the fabric of our society.

When relentless messages tell people to hate each other because of the color of their skin; because of the job they do; or because of the income level they have – sooner or later people will believe what they are being told.

Just as disturbing as the unprovoked shooting attack on the two young officers, was the hate-filled reaction to it of so many people in their community.

They have been taught to hate police officers. Many are now being taught that a whole race is evil and that history should be erased.

Such demagoguery will only fuel more hate and violence. It will galvanize the opposite and opposing tribe: the low information, extreme racist right that does not see non-Europeans as part of American society.

These tribal divisions will thrive as long as the reasonable, pragmatic, commonsense majority remains silent.  They will continue to tear Americans apart so long as nobody defends the unique and noble ideal of a society not defined by race, ethnicity or religion; but one defined by rights, responsibilities and equality under the law.

If ever there was a wake up call to the decent majority not fixated on race, class and ideology, then this is it.

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Dion Donegal
Dion Donegal
4 years ago

Spot on! Good analysis

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