Man shoots, drives truck into bar after being told to leave

Plenty have woken up after a night on the booze regretting their actions – or perhaps being only too glad not to remember them fully.

But not many of the soreheaded will have landed themselves in as much trouble as Eduardo Morales.

The 34-year-old opened fire and drove his truck through the front of a Georgia bar at the weekend after he was thrown out for being too drunk.

Morales plowed his Dodge Ram into 278 South in Hiram at 11:30 p.m. on Saturday night, injuring several people, according to police.

He had been kicked out of the establishment by bouncers, but later returned in his truck and fired several shots through the vehicle’s open window towards the bar.

“When his weapon was empty, Morales then drove the vehicle into the bar through the front doors striking numerous patrons,” Hiram Police Department said in a statement.

Morales’s truck came to a stop upon hitting the bar and then got stuck as he tried to reverse back out.

The vehicle ended up a few feet from a stage where a band had just finished playing, as some courageous patrons jumped in to stop Morales from reloading his gun.

One witness told WSB-TV that he rushed towards the driver’s side window of the truck to prevent further havoc.

“When I reached in there, I noticed he had a pistol and he was reloading and putting a magazine in – and that’s why I reached for the hand,” Mauricia “Moe” Puerto told the TV station.

“I grabbed the wrist where he had the pistol. He was putting up a fight and he wouldn’t let it go. And I kept elbowing him with my right arm.”

Others joined in and grabbed the weapon before helping to restrain Morales.

Both Morales and Puerto were reportedly hurt in the struggle as the truck rocked back and forth, still in gear.

Morales now faces the sobering reality of aggravated assault and aggravated battery charges, with more charges possible to follow, according to the TV station.

mug shot of Eduardo Morales
Eduardo Morales
(Hiram Police Department)

Writing on its Facebook page Sunday, the bar said “our hearts are broken over the events of last night.”

“We like to believe most people are good … and it showed last night,” the post continued. “Many are heroes for their bravery and possibly stopping a situation that could have escalated even further. We will forever be grateful for these heroes.”

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