Florida man finds naked woman in his swimming pool

A Florida retiree returning home from a doctor’s appointment got an unexpected tonic this week when he found a naked woman chilling in his swimming pool.

Where others might have prescribed a different course of action, James Clark, 69, decided the sensible thing was to call the cops – who promptly arrived to bust the nude intruder.

Clark later told police that he had arrived back at his Port Charlotte home on Monday afternoon to find unfamiliar clothes strewn around the side of his outdoor pool.

“We saw like a shirt and some shoes and a bag, you know, and like a couple denim shorts and a jacket,” he told WINK News. “Totally unreal, you know.”

Clark then looked around and noticed “a naked white female” in the water – his cue to dial 911.

The woman, later identified as 42-year-old Heather Kennedy, was still in the pool when police arrived.

Kennedy in the pool in conversation with police officers, one of whom holds an item of her clothing
Kennedy was reluctant to leave the pool as responding officers prepared her discarded clothes for the grand exit
(NBC2 News)

Kennedy refused to say who she was or “explain why she was there,” according to an arrest report obtained by The Smoking Gun. Deputies also noted that she was hostile and “requested for law enforcement to leave her alone.”

The uninvited skinny-dipper eventually got out of the pool, but struggled with officers as they put her in handcuffs.

Kennedy was charged with trespassing and resisting without violence, and booked into the Charlotte County jail. She is scheduled to be arraigned on August 4.

Kennedy, who lives in a private residence around two miles from Clark’s home, was convicted earlier this year on a felony narcotics possession charge and a misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia count, according to The Smoking Gun.

She was busted during a traffic stop when cops found morphine pills, marijuana, and crack and meth pipes. At the time, Kennedy allegedly denied the pills were hers, claiming they belonged to “a male by the name of Crackhead Chris,” a police report states.

As for Clark, he appears to have learnt an important lesson the hard way. He told WINK News that he’d left his screen doors unlocked when he went out – but says he’ll never do that again.

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