Florida woman poisons boyfriend to “shut him up”: sheriff

Silence may be golden, but is it worth a stretch in the slammer? One Florida woman seems to think so.

Alvis Lorraine Parrish has traded a rowdy home for the calm of a prison cell after allegedly poisoning her longtime boyfriend with antipsychotic medication in a crazed attempt to get him to stop talking.

The 54-year-old laced partner William Carter’s lemonade with Seroquel on December 7 before summoning deputies to her Jacksonville home and confessing both her crime and its bizarre motive, according to an arrest report obtained by Action News Jax.

“Yeah, I did it … because he wouldn’t shut the f***k up,” Parrish reportedly yelled from her front porch, adding that she called authorities after giving her babbling beau just enough of the drug to quiet him down but less than a lethal dose.

Parrish also threatened to permanently silence her boyfriend as she was taken into custody, according to the arrest report.

“Do whatever you want,” she told deputies. “If you don’t take me, I will kill him.”

Deputies said they found Carter, 61, in an “extremely lethargic” state inside the home.

Though normally used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression, Seroquel is also taken as a sleep aid for its sedative effect.

When told what he had unwittingly ingested in his drink, Parrish’s partner of nine years reportedly said: “I’m not sure why she would give me that. I don’t take Seroquel.”

Carter said that his lemonade tasted strange and investigators found a powdery substance at the bottom of his glass.

He struggled to fill out a domestic battery report due to his sluggish state and initially refused treatment but was rushed to hospital after collapsing, authorities said.

Meanwhile, deputies discovered that to accompany her verbal confession Parrish had also detailed her actions in a notebook, according to the arrest report.

Parrish was still in jail Wednesday on a $50,000 bond.

She is charged with poisoning food or water with intent to kill or injure a person. According to online records, she is due back in court on on Dec. 29.

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