Flying deer crashes through school bus windshield, disembarks unharmed

Call it an Easter miracle.

A deer was caught on camera crashing through the front windshield of a Virginia school bus early Thursday morning — only to dust itself down and scamper away unharmed.

Wild video from inside the moving bus in Powhatan County shows the animal suddenly fly through the window and over the entry before landing on a sleeping student in the first row.

The frightened deer then totters around at the front of the bus for a few moments before the driver opens the door to let it out.

“What was that?” a stunned student can be heard asking in the footage.

“It was a f**king deer, damn!” replies another.

At the end of the full clip, a man approaches the driver from outside to tell him “the deer was not injured at all” and “is still running across the field back there.”

The collision happened shortly after 6 a.m. on Old Buckingham Road in Powhatan County, outside of Richmond, Powhatan Today reported.

Thankfully, the deer was not the only one made of sturdy stuff – neither the driver nor any of the students were hurt during the crash, officials said.

Transportation director Brian Bartlett explained how the death-defying deer made such a spectacular entrance.

“The bus hit it and it rolled up the hood of the bus and through the windshield,” Bartlett told the local newspaper.

“The deer jumped up at about the time the bus hit it.”

With a live-action remake of Bambi currently in the pipeline, producers now need look no further for that sought-after stunt deer.

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