Lawyer runs out on big lap dance bill, leads cops on wild foot chase

It’s often said that there is no such thing as bad publicity. But when you are a certified attorney, a trusted servant of the law, it’s rarely helpful to become a lawbreaker.

Unfortunately, that’s the situation one lawyer in Oregon now finds himself in after a night of adult entertainment went south.

Dylan T. Vinzant, 38, had planned to enjoy an evening at the Sunset Strip Gentleman’s Club on Southwest Park Way in Portland. According to Sgt. Daniel DiPietro, a Washington Country Sheriff’s spokesman, the off-duty lawyer initially agreed to pay $200 for a private, 15-minute lap dance at the club.

Whether the dance performance just wasn’t up to scratch, or there was some other problem with the delivery of the service isn’t clear. But police say that, after the dance, Vinzant refused to pay the bill.

After bolting from the club’s bouncers and trying to hide from police, Vinzant then jumped over a nearby fence and landed in some prickly blackberry bushes.

He then made his way onto the MAX train tracks that run parallel to U.S. 26 and took off east toward a darkened tunnel, according to police.

Deputies were waiting for Vinzant on the other side of the passage, said DiPietro. During his arrest, the suspect said he was a lawyer.

Authorities booked him into the Washington County Jail on suspicion of theft and trespassing.

Prosecutors are currently reviewing the case, the Washington County District Attorney’s Office said. His arraignment is scheduled for March 11.

According to the Oregonian, Vinzant graduated from Willamette University School of Law in May 2017 and was licensed to practice that October.

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