Man tries to pay bail with counterfeit cash

Paying a bail with the wrong kind of cash certainly carries risk – just ask Stormy Lynn Parfait.

The Louisianan rocked up at a jail last year to free a friend, but ended up with an insider’s view herself thanks to her whiffy wad of weed-scented notes.

But now the undisputed queen of bail fails may finally have met her male match.

Certainly, a Maine man who tried to pay his own $200 bail with counterfeit cash is nothing if not audacious.

Michael Deschesne handed a bail comissioner two fake $100 bills on Sunday, the York County Sheriff’s Office said in a Facebook post.

However, the funny money only succeeded in earning him an additional forgery charge and a few extra hours in the lockup.

The incident capped an already dismal day for Deschesne.

Police responding to a call about a theft from a motor vehicle found him walking home around 5 a.m. after “an argument with a female friend,” according to the post.

Although cops concluded that Deschesne had nothing to do with that crime, they did arrest him on an outstanding warrant for an unrelated theft.

Deschesne then tried to post bail with the bogus bucks and was promptly returned to his cell.

Later that day he managed to pay the bail in “authentic U.S. currency,” the post said.

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