Parents criticize school’s response to KKK robe wearing students

Two school children shocked the nation this week by showing up for classes dressed up as members of the Ku Klux Klan.

The pair wore white robes to their high school in Wyoming complete with pointed hoods designed to resemble the garb of the infamous white supremacist group.

The two students were disciplined by Riverton High School, according to a report on CNN, although the nature of their punishment wasn’t clear.

In a comment that might betray a lack of urgency and certainly qualifies as provocative understatement, Terry Snyder, superintendent of Fremont County School District No. 25., said simply: “It seems to be a very poor decision.”

It may have been that lackadaisical stance that got under the skin of some parents whose children attend the same school as the KKK wannabes.

“In 2019, this is just a disgrace,” one parent, who declined to give their name, told Crazy America. “This does not reflect this community or its values.”

“The school needs to come down on these clowns like a ton of bricks,” said another parent with children at the school who identified himself only as ‘John.’ “They won’t though, because they’re just weak.”

To be fair to Wyoming schools official Snyder, he did seem to be somewhat grasping the educational gaps that the sickening and unorthodox choice of apparel may have exposed.

“It is important we teach that respect and understanding and we have additional work to do obviously and we will do that work,” Snyder told CNN.

Eventually, the school’s PR machine kicked into gear and it managed to push out something stronger.

“We do not condone or support the student’s actions,” the school wrote on Facebook. “We have taken disciplinary measures and have handled it. One student’s decision does not represent our school or district. We are an inclusive school that is proud of our diverse population and celebrate that fact regularly.”

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