Pipe-wielding senior shopper arrested twice in three hours for refusing to wear mask

Out on the streets it sometimes feels like those flouting restrictions to control the spread of the pandemic are mainly the young – perhaps emboldened by their especially low risk of dying from coronavirus.

Heartwarmingly, though, an old school loon pops up every now and then to show the callow covidiots how to really cause a stir.

The latest such all too willing to oblige is 70-year-old Stephen Breza, a resident of Toms River, New Jersey.

Over the Easter weekend, Breza forcefully tried to insist that the Garden State’s requirement for shoppers to keep their mouths and noses covered in public didn’t apply to him, according to the New Jersey Attorney’s Office.

However, the cops disagreed, arresting the senior twice in just three hours on Saturday, when he entered two separate Wawa convenience stores without a protective mask and became aggressive.

Breza was arrested at around 11 a.m., after he allegedly “started screaming, flailing his arms, and cursing at employees” when they asked him to wear a mask inside the first store. He also threatened to hit another customer with a pipe.

After police let him go, the indignant old-timer headed to another Wawa store 15 blocks away at around 1.30 p.m.

Sadly, he hadn’t learned his lesson.

Still stubbornly refusing to don a mask, the belligerent Breza allegedly punched a fellow male shopper flush in the face before going back out to his car to get a piece of piping.

Officers who hauled him on the second occasion said he was wielding the improvised weapon “menacingly.”

Charges against Breza include two counts of violating emergency orders, disorderly conduct, failure to submit to fingerprinting and making terroristic threats during an emergency.

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