South Dakota man busted for breaking into bar to pour himself a beer

No one can deny it’s tough when a raging thirst strikes at an inconvenient moment.

Yet not many would choose the radical solution dreamt up last week by a South Dakota man desperate to wet his whistle.

The unnamed 53-year-old was arrested after police found him happily drinking at an otherwise closed Sioux Falls bar early Friday morning, the Argus Leader reported.

Police sources did not name the bar, but its address matches Ode to Food and Drinks, described online as a “stylish eatery offering eclectic American meat and seafood mains, plus a Bloody Mary bar and live music.”

Cops arrived there at around 5:30 a.m. after a burglary alarm alerted them to a possible break-in, Sioux Falls Police Department spokesman Sam Clemens said.

Once inside, they found the man wandering around the establishment swigging a glass of freshly poured beer.

Investigators are not sure how the parched perp made his way into the bar, although forced entry was not thought to be a factor, Clemens said.

The suspect was charged with first-degree burglary and booked into the Minnehaha County Jail.

He surely regrets not bringing a growler for a speedier getaway.

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