Cop takes plunge to save drowning dog

Phoenix officer-cum-lifeguard rescues canine who got into trouble cooling off in canal.

5 years ago

“Stray” bullet pierces sleeping couple’s bed

Unexplained shot wakes Arizona man and his partner in the middle of the night, making hole in headboard inches from…

5 years ago

Elderly woman leads cops on wild high-speed chase across three states

71-year-old female driver is clocked speeding in Nevada, blows tire on police spike strip in Arizona, then gets rammed to…

5 years ago

Arizona man celebrates his sobriety by getting drunk and stealing motorcycle

Wannabe teetotaller raises several glasses to four months without booze, then tries to make off with Kawasaki bike from dealership…

5 years ago

Man faces jail term after spending $100,000 to feed town’s feral cats

Arizona animal lover who provided for the stray animals for 14 years to stand trial following municipal law banning the…

5 years ago

“Penis Man” pulled in for serial graffiti campaign

Street artist suspected of spray-painting distinctive tag over 40 times around Arizona city arrested after allegedly being caught red-handed.

5 years ago

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