Pastor with 8 DUIs charged with attempted murder for driving into deputiesPastor with 8 DUIs charged with attempted murder for driving into deputies

Pastor with 8 DUIs charged with attempted murder for driving into deputies

Michigan preacher David Jones allegedly rammed his car into a police patrol vehicle while drunk after refusing to cooperate with…

3 years ago
Man busted for riding lawnmower drunk on highwayMan busted for riding lawnmower drunk on highway

Man busted for riding lawnmower drunk on highway

Florida resident with multiple prior DUI convictions tells deputy “Just take me to jail” after admitting he’s too wasted to…

5 years ago
Man drives to beer garden with “mangled corpse” of pedestrian he hit stuck to carMan drives to beer garden with “mangled corpse” of pedestrian he hit stuck to car

Man drives to beer garden with “mangled corpse” of pedestrian he hit stuck to car

Texas drunk driver fatally strikes victim, then continues half a mile to alehouse with body in passenger seat.

5 years ago