Florida innovator designs impactful coronavirus protection with facial coverings crafted from the state’s invasive snake species.
Nonagenarians hold Easter Day wedding service to “legalize” their relationship in uncertain times.
New Jersey man called dozens of pizzerias to order food for the police but never turned up to pay or…
Judge takes four-year old girl from mom, saying decision is all about COVID-19.
Florida woman admits leaving plastic eggs filled with obscene images in mailboxes, says the church should give to the needy.
Florida man arrested in joint operation with local cops and FBI terror unit on suspicion of intentional contamination.
Criminal duo who blew up several cash machines in Florida finally arrested as latest Georgia withdrawal doesn’t go to plan.
Young Florida drunk given place to sleep by “friend of a friend” shows gratitude by attacking host and dousing his…
Florida man arrested after helping himself to single roll of bath tissue from neighbor’s truck.
Small aircraft smashes into a tree just short of landing strip but pilot and passenger somehow walk away unhurt.
Impatient Florida man sets his hospital bed ablaze because he felt staff were ignoring him.
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