‘Lottery Lawyer’ swindled jackpot winners for millions, feds say

New York attorney allegedly involved in mob-connected scam which encouraged clients to place winnings in shady investments.

5 years ago

Man blew coronavirus relief loans on strip clubs, Lamborghini, feds say

Texas entrepreneur accused of scamming U.S. government’s Paycheck Protection Program out of $1.6 million to live the high life.

5 years ago

Man claimed to be health inspector to get free drinks from bar

A drinker's desperation for his next tipple led him to make a number of outrageous and false claims to bar…

5 years ago

Man who faked death to avoid jail caught out by typo

New York defendant rumbled thanks to spelling error on false death certificate allegedly submitted to avoid prison time.

5 years ago

Woman burned home in attempt to destroy records

Texas couple under investigation for fraud when wife tried to burn documents at their house but left the blaze unattended.

5 years ago

Woman kept dead grandmother in freezer for years to collect her social security checks

Pennsylvania scammer rumbled following grim discovery of her grandmother’s stored remains 15 years after the senior died.

5 years ago

Employee faked COVID-19 diagnosis to get out of work, causing company $100,000 loss

Georgia malingerer faces federal charges for allegedly submitting bogus medical records claiming he had the virus, forcing Atlanta firm to…

5 years ago

Speedy Gonzales caught after months on the run

Georgia man who shares name with the fleet-footed cartoon mouse is finally arrested for fraud offences dating back to January.

5 years ago

Italian-hating pizza scammer now a wanted man in two states

New Jersey man called dozens of pizzerias to order food for the police but never turned up to pay or…

5 years ago

Church volunteer stole half a million dollars to pay for lavish wedding and luxury lifestyle

A woman who worked as the financial secretary for a New Jersey church has been charged with embezzling over $560,000.

5 years ago

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