Elderly Florida couple arrested after attacking process servers.
Carole Harwood and William Nash (Monroe County Sherriff's Office)
Anyone who has been served a court summons or other legal papers knows that it is not usually a very nice experience.
There is often a feeling of resentment towards the person delivering the dreaded document. You can try to hide; you can try to deny your identity; or just exchange a few choice words with the server. But, in the end, the outcome is usually the same: you are served.
A couple of seniors, however, have taken resistance to the process to a whole new level. They decided to fight back by attacking the folks delivering the legal documents – with a flare gun.
The 79-year-old Florida man and the 75-year-old woman were arrested after firing the gun from their balcony at two process servers, according to the Monroe County Sherriff’s Office.
William Nash, and Carole Harwood were taken into custody after the incident on Friday night in Cudjoe, Florida.
Harwood met a male process server and his female colleague at the front door and became combative, the police report said. At that point, Nash appeared on the balcony and began firing flares at the servers.
“The male process server then drew his legally concealed firearm and aimed it at Nash, telling him to stop firing,” the police report said.
Nash fired more flares and narrowly missed the male process server each time, according to police. A flare bounced off the hood of the server’s car.
The male process server then decided to hold Nash at gunpoint while he waited for deputies to arrive. During the incident, he did not use his weapon.
When officers arrived on the scene, they found an enraged Harwood still screaming at the process servers.
Deputies said the house smelled of gunpowder. The flare gun and several empty flare housings were also recovered.
Nash was charged with serious assault with a firearm and the use of a firearm under the influence of alcohol. Harwood was charged with battery and resisting arrest.
Both were taken into custody and will be arraigned at a later date.
Police did not reveal what the legal documents being served to Nash and Harwood were actually about.
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wow! that's one way to fight back against the legal system. Good on 'em!!