Angry son sets mom’s shed on fire over argument about delayed stimulus check

As we all know by now, the Federal Government is supposed to be sending out trillions of dollars to people that have been hit by the economic fallout of COVID-19.

The problem, however, is that many people just aren’t seeing that cash quickly enough. And waiting around for money that may be needed to put food on the table, or at least to put a few more beers in the fridge, well, that is getting very stressful.

In fact, it is causing so much anxiety that the authorities are going to be seeing even more crazy domestic incidents.

One such case that came to light this week was that of a Louisiana man who allegedly set his mother’s shed on fire because he felt so angry at not having got his stimulus check yet.

The man, Marvin Smith Jr., apparently got into a heated argument with this mother about the payment last Friday. As his fury boiled over, Smith Jr., 51, is said to have stormed off and lit his poor mom’s backyard shed alight.

Investigators were able to determine the fire was intentionally set inside the shed in the town of Hamburg, the Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal said. Local authorities arrested Smith Jr. after witnesses told them they saw him in the shed moments before the fire started. Witnesses also told investigators they saw Smith Jr. flee the scene after the fire.

Cops eventually caught up with the disgruntled son and found him armed with a knife. He was booked into jail on an arson charge by Avoyelles Parish deputies. Officials said he will also face other charges.

It was not immediately clear whether Smith had a lawyer.

Reports from across America have warned that uncertainty about when, and in some cases whether, people will receive their checks could cause a whole host of mental health issues in coming weeks.

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