There’s an old joke about the perils of operating a car while under the influence.
It goes something like this: “Don’t drink and drive! You might spill the drink.”
Now, it seems one motorist in Texas has taken the ridiculous sentiment behind the joke a little too much to heart.
The driver in the state’s McLennan County is said to have handed a cop his open beer to hold just after he was pulled over.
The police in question were game wardens, but officers of the law nonetheless. Earlier this month, the game wardens were patrolling near Lake Waco when they were cut off by the driver of a pickup, according to a report in the Houston Chronicle.
The man then drove on the wrong side of the road before the wardens pulled him over, police said.
When wardens approached the truck, the man was having trouble turning down his music, they said. As he fumbled with the radio, he apparently handed one of the wardens an open beer so he could concentrate.
Wardens had other suspicions that the man was intoxicated after he stumbled out of the car and failed a field sobriety test.
Nonetheless, handing his beer to the officers certainly didn’t help.