Mom shows up at school wearing boxing glove to fight daughter’s classmate

If you must fight your kids’ battles for them, make an effort to look the part.

Or at least that seems to be the philosophy of a Florida mom who showed up to a school meeting about her daughter’s unruly behavior wearing a boxing glove – only to then allegedly help the teen beat up another student on her way out.

Edith Riddle, 34, of Jacksonville, was arrested on a child abuse charge for her alleged role in the fight at Dupont Middle School last Thursday, according to a police report cited by news station KVUE.

Riddle had turned up on campus that day for a meeting with her daughter and the vice-principal about the girl’s “violent outbursts,” the report states.

When the meeting finished, mom and daughter headed straight for the school cafeteria, where the teen allegedly confronted another student.

The school safety officer heard a “frantic” announcement over the school’s radio system about a fight outside the cafeteria around noon, police said.

The officer arrived on the scene to find Riddle herself in a physical altercation with a female student, according to the arrest report.

Witnesses told cops that Riddle’s daughter first pushed the girl to the ground and started punching her, before Riddle allegedly joined in and began beating the victim. 

Bizarrely, the mom appeared to have come prepared for the impromptu bout – a bystander told authorities that she was wearing what looked like a boxing glove on her left hand.

Riddle admitted to having the glove on when she showed up at the school, but claimed it was superglued to her wrist and couldn’t be removed, according to the report.

The victim suffered abrasions to her knees and forearms, and later went to hospital for a follow-up evaluation.

Riddle was taken into custody and charged with one count of child abuse with a personal or special weapon.

The victim’s parents told authorities they plan to pursue criminal charges against the would-be pugilist.

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