Motorcyclist leads cops on high-speed chase to “show off for his date”

It’s natural to go the extra mile to impress when romance is on the cards.

But a Florida charmer’s special efforts at the weekend sadly failed to bewitch both his new love interest and the boys in blue.

Motorcyclist Taylor Beverly, 22, was arrested Saturday night after his disregard for traffic laws led to a high-speed police chase.

By way of explanation, the Tampa resident told cops that he was merely “trying to show off” for his female passenger, with whom he was on a first date, according to court records obtained by The Smoking Gun.

Beverly first attracted the attention of the Clearwater Police Department when he ran a red light on his white 2017 Suzuki with his date riding pillion.

He allegedly glanced back at officers sitting in traffic nearby before racing away, police said.

The officers turned on their cruiser’s flashing lights and siren to pursue Beverly but he outran them, driving “well over 100 mph,” weaving in and out of traffic and running multiple red lights, his arrest document states.

However, other police units alerted to the speedster successfully caught up with him at an intersection and took him into custody around 10 pm.

Admitting his infractions, Beverly reportedly told arresting officers that “he was trying to show off for his date” – a “first date,” according to court documents.

Unfortunately that date may be the first and last – his unimpressed female companion told cops she was “screaming at him to stop, but he refused.”

Beverly was charged with a felony for fleeing police at high speed with wanton disregard for the safety of others. He was released from the county jail Sunday morning after posting $10,000 bond.

Beverly’s lengthy rap sheet is presumably not all down to his wooing technique. His previous convictions include cocaine possession, probation violation, grand theft, and passing a counterfeit check.

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