Missouri landlord accused of stabbing tenant to death over freezing rental
Gordon McBeth allegedly went beserk when a young couple asked him to fix the heating at their new Kansas City home.
Gordon McBeth allegedly went beserk when a young couple asked him to fix the heating at their new Kansas City home.
Claudia Resendiz-Florez allegedly shot victim after he ignored intimate invitation and turned to smooch with his girlfriend.
Ethan Alexander Orton confessed to double murder when police found him soaked in blood outside the family’s Cedar Rapids home.
Michigan preacher David Jones allegedly rammed his car into a police patrol vehicle while drunk after refusing to cooperate with officers.
Michigan gambler was not able to collect prize before accident due to lottery rules.
Precocious Missouri crook and his mother force motorist to part with vehicle at St. Louis gas station.
Cops find thirsty suspect drinking in Sioux Falls watering hole after responding to early morning burglary alarm.
Missouri suspect Kyle Jon Vandermolen was confronted by visitors at his home after a woman found a hidden camera with intimate recordings.
Nicole Poole Franklin was sentenced on federal hate crimes charges after admitting trying to kill a Black boy and a Latina girl with her SUV.
Michael Ring was arrested in Madison, Wisconsin, for being “out of control” when police noticed his unusual scent.
Three suspects are in custody after a male passenger opened fire, killing a 29-year-old female officer and seriously wounding her colleague.